Fluency/Stuttering Disorders |
Clear Speech and Language, Adult, Adolescent, Pediatric speech therapy
Clear Speech and Language, Adult, Adolescent, Pediatric speech therapy
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Fluency/Stuttering Disorders

Fluency/Stuttering Disorder is a communication disorder whereby an individual has difficulty in speaking in a rhythm or flow to maintain the fluidity of speech. If the individual has difficulty completing words, parts of words, or experiences prolongations of letter sounds it is known as stuttering. Clear Speech and Language provides treatment for fluency disorders with the great help of our highly trained and qualified staff.

Adult services

Some children who have received treatment for stuttering in the past may experience stuttering later in adulthood. The many different situations that may be experienced in adulthood can trigger a re-occurrence of stuttering.


There are many types of fluency disorders and their treatment at Clear Speech and Language varies differently as we understand the individual attention requirement each type needs. Most programs focus on the behavior of the individual. Following are some important points to help you understand the different types of stuttering:

  • Cluttering: A disturbance in fluency with bursts of speech, bad grammatical structure of sentences and rapid rate of speech. Individuals who present with cluttering are unaware of their problem. Treatment includes role playing exercises, story-telling, turn-taking practice and other such exercises to improve oral-motor coordination.

  • Neurogenic stuttering: Usually caused by trauma, injury or disease. It involves blocks, repetitions and prolongations. It is treated by anti-seizure drugs or surgery.

  • Psychogenic stuttering: May not be caused by neurological factors. Instead it is the psychological effect after an event. Repetition of syllables is common. Treatment usually requires emotional support and family or group therapy is used.

  • Dysarthria and Palilalia are usually confused with stuttering, each have different symptoms.

  • Mentally retarded (IQ 70 or below): Stuttering is more prevalent amongst this population. They usually experience prolongations of letter sounds or repeat syllables. Signs of cluttering may be apparent due to their hurried speech patterns and insufficient vocabulary.

Stuttering greatly affects the quality of life of individuals who stutters. Clear Speech and Language can provide the best treatment for fluency disorders. Adults are usually shy, vulnerable and it is difficult for them to accept change but Clear Speech and Language provides them the right care and need by our highly trained and qualified staff.